By the end of the 57th Century, the great city-planet of Vega III had become overrun with crime and violence, and the authorities took drastic action. The gargantuan Eye of Providence robots were brought in to clean up the city, wreaking fiery justice on all miscreants and casting a terrifying shadow across the planet's crowded streets. Hooked into Vega III's extensive surveillance systems, the hovering Eyes really were all-seeing; few wrong deeds went unnoticed, none went unpunished. But the plan went horribly wrong: either the robots were too strictly programmed, or the citizens too immoral. In six days the city's population of thirty million had been reduced to zero; Vega III remains a ghost-planet to this day, but the shadowy spectres of these tyrannical pyramids can still be seen floating above the city, waiting to pass judgement on anyone foolish enough to enter.
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